Cafe Veliki - Novi Sad

Nikole Pasica 24, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

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Experience Authentic Vojvodina Cuisine at Cafe Veliki - Novi Sad

If you're looking for a place in Novi Sad where you can indulge in authentic Vojvodina cuisine while immersing yourself in the city's rich history, look no further than Cafe Veliki. This charming cafe restaurant is a hidden gem that combines culinary traditions with cultural and historical significance.

A Culinary Journey through Vojvodina

Cafe Veliki takes pride in offering a diverse menu that showcases the culinary heritage of Vojvodina. From rebarca (ribs) and Slovak sausage to lamb chops and percut (a traditional Vojvodina dish), the restaurant serves up a delightful array of flavors. Don't miss the shuffle (potato chips) with cherry sauce or the mouthwatering Sacher cake for dessert. For a truly indulgent experience, try the chamois gallows or the hot lazy apple pie with vanilla ice cream.

A Blend of Cultures

Novi Sad is known for its multiculturalism, and Cafe Veliki aims to be a meeting place for urban dwellers who appreciate the city's diverse heritage. The concept behind the cafe is to celebrate the forgotten urban Vojvodina, where the city's elite once lived. The menu reflects the culinary influences of German (Austrian), Hungarian, Slovak, and Serbian cuisines, as well as other ethnic communities that have coexisted in the region.

A Glimpse into History

As you step into Cafe Veliki, you'll be greeted by historical elements that add to the charm of the space. The oldest cornerstone in Novi Sad, dating back to 1801, is embedded in the corner of the building. The stone bears the inscription of the year, an acacia branch, and a forget-me-not flower. Inside, the original Bavarian beams from the early 19th century can be seen on the ceiling, along with steel elements that were used to reinforce the structure. The walls are made of original bricks from the same period.

Recycled Design Concept

Cafe Veliki embraces a recycled design concept, where old elements of the building are repurposed and showcased. The restaurant's ceiling features beams brought from Bavaria for inter-floor construction, creating a unique and rustic atmosphere. To strengthen the structure, a steel rail and concrete beams were added. The restaurant also offers a variety of dishes made from scratch, including the famous šufnudle (rolled dumplings) and the delectable Sacher torte.

When to Visit

Cafe Veliki is open throughout the year, except on January 1st, January 7th, and Easter. Whether you're visiting Novi Sad during the vibrant summer months or the cozy winter season, Cafe Veliki is a perfect spot to enjoy a delicious meal and immerse yourself in the city's cultural and historical ambiance.

Next time you find yourself in Novi Sad, make sure to visit Cafe Veliki for an unforgettable culinary experience that celebrates the rich heritage of Vojvodina.

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