Musée du Malgré-Tout, Parc de la Préhistoire

28, rue de la Gare, B-5670 Treignes, Namur, Belgium

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Discover the Prehistoric World at Musée du Malgré-Tout, Parc de la Préhistoire in Treignes

Nestled in the charming village of Treignes in the province of Namur, Belgium, lies a hidden gem for history enthusiasts and curious travelers alike - the Musée du Malgré-Tout, Parc de la Préhistoire. This unique museum and archaeological park offer a fascinating journey through time, allowing visitors to explore the rich prehistoric and Gallo-Roman heritage of the region.

Unveiling the Past: Permanent and Temporary Exhibitions

The Musée du Malgré-Tout showcases a diverse range of permanent and temporary exhibitions, each offering a captivating insight into different periods of history. The permanent collections focus on the prehistoric archaeological heritage and Gallo-Roman era of the Entre Sambre et Meuse region.

From the Middle Paleolithic to the Iron Age, the collections present artifacts and archaeological finds organized by site. The Gallo-Roman period, known for its richness, is displayed thematically, highlighting ceramics, metallurgy, luxury objects, and architecture. The museum cleverly caters to visitors of all ages, with concise and clear explanations for adults and engaging comic-style illustrations for younger audiences.

Another highlight of the museum is the prehistoric gallery, which traces the evolution of mankind and its industries from the origins to the advent of agriculture and livestock during the Neolithic period. This section relies on the museum's extensive collection of casts and donations of World Prehistory collections, creating a highly educational and immersive experience.

A Dynamic Cultural Hub: Temporary Exhibitions and Collaborations

The Musée du Malgré-Tout is renowned for its dynamic approach to exhibitions, consistently offering new and exciting archaeological themes. Over the years, the museum has presented nearly sixty temporary exhibitions, covering a wide range of topics such as excavation techniques, daily life in Roman Belgium, women in prehistory, and the Celts in the Canton of Fribourg.

These exhibitions, often in collaboration with prestigious museums and scientific institutes, have attracted over 400,000 visitors. The museum's commitment to showcasing archaeological and artistic objects from both European and non-European cultures has earned it recognition and acclaim.

Step into Prehistory: Parc de la Préhistoire

Adjacent to the museum, the Parc de la Préhistoire is an archaeological open-air museum that transports visitors back in time. The park features seven outdoor scenes, including replicas of huts and refuges used by hunter-gatherers during the European Palaeolithic Age. Constructed using authentic materials such as animal skins, wood, and bone, these reconstructions provide a glimpse into the daily lives of our ancient ancestors.

The Parc de la Préhistoire also offers educational materials and activities, making it an ideal destination for families and school groups. The combination of the indoor museum and the outdoor park creates a comprehensive and immersive experience for visitors of all ages.

Plan Your Visit

The Musée du Malgré-Tout and Parc de la Préhistoire are open throughout the year, welcoming visitors to embark on a captivating journey through time. During school holidays, weekends, and public holidays, guided tours and different animations are offered at 11 am and 2 pm, at no additional cost.

Treignes itself is a picturesque village surrounded by beautiful countryside, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers and history enthusiasts. The museum and park attract around 20,000 to 25,000 visitors annually, with a significant portion being school groups.

Whether you're fascinated by prehistory, eager to explore archaeological treasures, or simply looking for an educational and enjoyable day out, the Musée du Malgré-Tout, Parc de la Préhistoire in Treignes is a must-visit destination. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of our ancient ancestors and uncover the secrets of the past in this remarkable cultural hub.

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