
Am Schokoladenmuseum 1A, 50678 Köln, Allemagne
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Discover the Sweet World of Chocolate at Schokoladenmuseum in Köln

If you're a chocolate lover like me, then a visit to the Schokoladenmuseum in Köln is an absolute must. Located in the Altstadt-Süd quarter on the Rheinauhafen peninsula, this museum offers a delightful journey through the 5,000-year history of chocolate.

A Sweet History

The Schokoladenmuseum Köln, also known as the Imhoff Chocolate Museum, was opened by Hans Imhoff on October 31, 1993. It is one of the top ten museums in Germany, attracting over 650,000 visitors annually. The museum showcases the entire history of chocolate, from its ancient origins with the Olmecs, Maya, and Aztecs to modern-day production methods.

Explore the Museum

As you step inside the museum, you'll be greeted by a large model of a cocoa tree, marking the beginning of your chocolate journey. From there, you'll wander through a 10-meter high tropical greenhouse, where you can learn about the cultivation and harvesting of cocoa beans.

The museum's exhibits are spread across 4,000 square meters, making it the most comprehensive display of cocoa and chocolate history worldwide. You'll discover the fascinating story of how cocoa beans are traded on the global market and transported to chocolate factories.

Indulge in Chocolate Delights

No visit to the Schokoladenmuseum would be complete without treating yourself to some delicious chocolate creations. The museum's café offers a tempting selection of cakes and chocolate specialties, including chocolate fondue, hot chocolate, chocolate cakes, fresh waffles, and more. While indulging in these sweet treats, you can also enjoy a breathtaking view of the Rhine River.

Architectural Marvel

The museum building itself is an architectural marvel. Designed by Fritz Eller, it was the first structure to be built in the Rheinauhafen district. The modern and sleek design of the building perfectly complements the museum's theme, creating a visually stunning experience for visitors.

Plan Your Visit

The Schokoladenmuseum is open from Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. It's a popular attraction, so it's best to arrive early to avoid crowds. The museum is entirely self-supporting and does not receive any subsidies, making your visit even more meaningful in supporting this cultural institution.

Nearby Attractions

After exploring the Schokoladenmuseum, take some time to explore the surrounding area. The Rheinauhafen district is known for its vibrant atmosphere, with trendy bars, restaurants, and shops. You can also take a leisurely stroll along the Rhine promenade and enjoy the picturesque views of the river.


The Schokoladenmuseum in Köln is a paradise for chocolate enthusiasts. From its rich history to its mouthwatering chocolate creations, this museum offers a truly immersive and delicious experience. So, if you find yourself in Köln, don't miss the opportunity to indulge in the sweet world of chocolate at the Schokoladenmuseum.

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