The Seven Gates to the Call (Jewish Quarter)

Carrer del Call, 17493 Vilajuïga, Girona, Spain

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Discover the Rich History of The Seven Gates to the Call (Jewish Quarter) in Vilajuïga

Vilajuïga, a charming town located in the province of Girona, Catalonia, is home to a hidden gem that holds a significant place in history - The Seven Gates to the Call, also known as the Jewish Quarter. This historical site offers visitors a unique opportunity to delve into the rich cultural heritage of the Jewish community in Girona. Let's explore the fascinating aspects of this remarkable place.

Unveiling the Jewish Presence

The city of Girona has a long-standing tradition linked to the Jewish community, and The Seven Gates to the Call provides a captivating journey through their lives and landmarks. The exploration begins at the Jewish Museum, where visitors can gain insights into the history and traditions of the Jewish people in Girona.

A Glimpse into Jewish Life

As you continue your journey through The Seven Gates to the Call, you will encounter two emblematic Jewish houses - the house Colls and the house Laporta. These houses offer a glimpse into the daily lives of the Jewish community, showcasing their unique architectural features and cultural practices.

Tracing the Footsteps of History

The itinerary also includes a visit to Sant Domenech, a significant location that witnessed the dark period of the Inquisition. This site serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by the Jewish community during that time. Additionally, the tour takes you to Torre Gironella, a tower that stands as a testament to the resilience of the Jewish people.

Immersive Workshops and Tastings

To enhance your experience, The Seven Gates to the Call offers workshops and tastings of Sephardic products. These activities provide an opportunity to engage with the rich culinary traditions of the Jewish community and savor the flavors of their heritage.

A Journey of Historic Memory and Dialogue

The Seven Gates to the Call not only offers a glimpse into the history of the Jewish community in Girona but also serves as a platform for intercultural and interreligious dialogue. It highlights the importance of understanding and appreciating different cultures, fostering a sense of unity and respect.

When to Visit

Vilajuïga is a year-round destination, but it is recommended to visit The Seven Gates to the Call during the spring or autumn seasons when the weather is pleasant and the crowds are relatively smaller. This allows for a more immersive and intimate experience as you explore the historical sites.


The Seven Gates to the Call in Vilajuïga is a captivating journey through the history and culture of the Jewish community in Girona. From the Jewish Museum to the emblematic houses and significant landmarks, this tour offers a unique opportunity to understand the challenges and triumphs of the Jewish people. Immerse yourself in the rich heritage, engage in workshops, and savor the flavors of Sephardic cuisine. Plan your visit to The Seven Gates to the Call and embark on a memorable journey of historic memory and intercultural dialogue.

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