Xanthi's Great Carnival and Parade

28is Oktovriou 93, Xanthi 671 00, Greece

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Experience the Magic of Xanthi's Great Carnival and Parade

If you're looking for a unique and unforgettable experience, look no further than Xanthi's Great Carnival and Parade. Held annually in the northern Greek city of Xanthi, this carnival is the second largest in Greece, following the famous Patras Carnival. With its rich traditions, folklore, and vibrant celebrations, the Xanthi Carnival is a must-visit event for anyone seeking a taste of Greek culture.

A Celebration of Tradition and Folklore

The Xanthi Carnival is deeply rooted in the traditions and folklore of the region. Dating back to 1966, the event was founded with the goal of reviving the customs and folkways of Thrace, the wider area where Xanthi is located. The carnival showcases the unique Thracian elements, promoting traditional dances, music, and costumes.

The Festivities

The carnival festivities in Xanthi are a true spectacle to behold. The program includes a wide range of events and activities, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy. From concerts and theater plays to music and dance nights, exhibitions, and even a cycling event, there's never a dull moment during the carnival season.

One of the highlights of the carnival is the Folk Parade, where folk dance groups from Xanthi's Cultural Associations and guest groups from all over Greece parade through different neighborhoods of the town. The streets come alive with vibrant colors, music, and dancing, creating a magical atmosphere that will leave you spellbound.

The Great Carnival Parade

The pinnacle of the Xanthi Carnival is the Great Carnival Parade, also known as the float parade. Taking place on the evening of the final day, this parade is a feast for the senses. Floats adorned with thousands of masked revelers fill the streets, accompanied by lively music and a riot of colors. The King of the Carnival leads the procession, adding an air of grandeur to the event.

As the parade reaches its climax, the ceremonial burning of the effigy of the King takes place on the banks of the River Kóssynthos. This symbolic act marks the end of the carnival celebrations, bidding farewell to winter and welcoming the arrival of spring.

When to Visit

If you're planning to experience the magic of Xanthi's Great Carnival and Parade, make sure to visit during the carnival season. The dates vary each year, as the carnival is tied to the Orthodox Christian calendar and the date of Easter. Typically, the festivities begin in late February or early March and culminate with the Great Carnival Parade on the final day.

Explore Xanthi

While in Xanthi for the carnival, take the opportunity to explore the city and its surroundings. Xanthi is known for its beautiful architecture, with a mix of Ottoman, Byzantine, and neoclassical influences. Wander through the narrow streets of the Old Town, admiring the colorful mansions and traditional houses.

Don't miss the chance to indulge in the local cuisine. Xanthi is famous for its delicious delicacies, such as the renowned "soutzouk loukoum" (a type of Turkish delight) and the flavorful "xanthi cheese." Visit the local taverns and restaurants to savor these culinary delights.


Xanthi's Great Carnival and Parade is a celebration like no other. Immerse yourself in the rich traditions and folklore of the region, witness the vibrant parades, and experience the magic of this unique event. Plan your visit during the carnival season and explore the charming city of Xanthi, making memories that will last a lifetime.

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