Biodinamična kmetija Pri Cajhnu, Videmšek

Prešernova ulica 26, Dob pri Domžalah, 1233 Dob Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Discover the Organic Delights of Biodinamična kmetija Pri Cajhnu, Videmšek in Ljubljana

Nestled in the charming village of Dob, just a short drive from Ljubljana, lies Biodinamična kmetija Pri Cajhnu, Videmšek - a hidden gem for organic food enthusiasts and nature lovers. This family-run farm is dedicated to producing high-quality pier, buckwheat, and various types of vegetables using sustainable and biodynamic farming practices. Whether you're a foodie or simply seeking a unique experience, a visit to this farm is a must.

A Farm with a Passion for Organic Farming

Biodinamična kmetija Pri Cajhnu, Videmšek is not your average farm. It is a place where the love for organic farming and sustainable practices shines through in every aspect. The farm follows biodynamic principles, which means that they prioritize the health of the soil, plants, and animals, creating a harmonious ecosystem. This dedication to organic farming ensures that the produce is not only delicious but also free from harmful chemicals and pesticides.

Taste the Freshness at the Farm

One of the highlights of visiting Biodinamična kmetija Pri Cajhnu, Videmšek is the opportunity to taste the farm-fresh produce. From juicy tomatoes and crisp lettuce to fragrant herbs and vibrant berries, the farm offers a wide variety of seasonal vegetables and fruits. You can even purchase their homemade products, such as jams and preserves, to take a piece of the farm's goodness home with you.

Explore the Surrounding Nature

Beyond the farm's organic delights, the surrounding area of Dob offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor exploration. Take a leisurely stroll through the picturesque countryside, breathe in the fresh air, and admire the beautiful landscapes. If you're feeling more adventurous, you can embark on a hiking or cycling adventure in the nearby forests and hills. The farm's location provides a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, allowing you to reconnect with nature.

Plan Your Visit

To make the most of your visit to Biodinamična kmetija Pri Cajhnu, Videmšek, it is recommended to contact them in advance. This will ensure that they can accommodate your visit and provide you with a personalized experience. You can reach them by phone at 041/894-688 or 01/721-20-03, or by email at The farm is located at Prešernova 26 in Dob, near Domžale.

Final Thoughts

Biodinamična kmetija Pri Cajhnu, Videmšek is a true haven for organic food enthusiasts and nature lovers. With its commitment to sustainable farming practices and the opportunity to taste the freshest produce, a visit to this farm is a unique and enriching experience. So, if you find yourself in Ljubljana or its surroundings, don't miss the chance to discover the organic delights of Biodinamična kmetija Pri Cajhnu, Videmšek in Dob.

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