Thanh Ha pottery village, Hoi An

Phạm Phán, Thanh Hà, Hội An, Quảng Nam, Vietnam

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Discover the Artistry of Thanh Ha Pottery Village in Hoi An

Nestled near the charming town of Hoi An in Thành phố Hội An, Thanh Ha pottery village is a hidden gem that showcases the rich artistic heritage of Vietnam. This artisan village, located in xã Cẩm Thanh, Quảng Nam province, is renowned for its traditional pottery craftsmanship that has been passed down through generations.

A Glimpse into History

Thanh Ha pottery village has a long and storied history that dates back over 500 years. It was established during the 15th century when skilled craftsmen from the neighboring Thanh Ha village migrated to Hoi An. These artisans brought with them their expertise in pottery making, and the village soon flourished as a center for ceramic production.

Traditional Pottery Making Techniques

One of the highlights of visiting Thanh Ha pottery village is witnessing the traditional pottery making techniques that have been preserved for centuries. As you explore the village, you'll come across numerous workshops where local artisans skillfully shape clay into beautiful pots, plates, and other ceramic objects.

Immerse Yourself in the Pottery Culture

Step into the heart of Thanh Ha pottery village, and you'll find yourself surrounded by the sights and sounds of a vibrant pottery community. The entire village is a living workshop, with every dwelling doubling as a pottery studio. Courtyards and squares are filled with drying pots and plates, showcasing the intricate craftsmanship of the artisans.

Explore the Clay-Themed Amusement Park

While Thanh Ha pottery village has become somewhat occupied by mass tourism, there is still an opportunity to experience the authentic pottery culture. The front part of the village has been transformed into a clay-themed amusement park, offering visitors a chance to try their hand at pottery making and learn about the history of the craft.

Things to Do and See

Apart from witnessing the pottery making process, there are other attractions to explore in Thanh Ha pottery village. Visit the Thanh Ha Terracotta Park, where you can admire impressive sculptures made entirely of terracotta. The park also features a museum that provides insights into the history and significance of pottery in the region.

When to Visit

Thanh Ha pottery village can be visited year-round, but the best time to explore is during the dry season, which runs from February to August. The weather is pleasant, and you'll have the opportunity to witness the artisans at work in the open courtyards.


A visit to Thanh Ha pottery village is a journey into the rich artistic heritage of Vietnam. From the traditional pottery making techniques to the immersive pottery culture, this village offers a unique and authentic experience. Whether you're a pottery enthusiast or simply curious about the local traditions, Thanh Ha pottery village is a must-visit destination in Hoi An.

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