Chakra Healing at Cosmic Heart Alchemy

Kollwitzstraße, Berlin, Germany

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Chakra Healing at Cosmic Heart Alchemy: A Journey of Inner Harmony in Berlin

Berlin, the vibrant capital of Germany, is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and thriving art scene. But amidst the bustling city streets, there lies a hidden gem that offers a unique and transformative experience - Cosmic Heart Alchemy. Nestled in the heart of Berlin, this sanctuary of healing specializes in Chakra Healing Sessions and Crystal Sound Baths, providing a haven for those seeking inner harmony and balance.

Discover the Power of Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing is an ancient practice that focuses on balancing the body's energy centers, known as chakras. At Cosmic Heart Alchemy, experienced practitioners guide you through a journey of relaxation, yoga, aromatherapy, colors, sounds, and movements tailored to your specific chakras and the phases of the moon. By harmonizing these energy centers, you can experience a profound sense of well-being and alignment.

Immerse Yourself in Crystal Sound Baths

One of the highlights of Cosmic Heart Alchemy is their Crystal Sound Baths. Imagine lying down in a serene space surrounded by the soothing vibrations of crystal singing bowls. These bowls, made from various materials such as clear quartz and precious metals, produce enchanting sounds that resonate with your body's energy field. As the sound waves wash over you, tension melts away, and a deep sense of relaxation and rejuvenation takes hold.

The Temple of Crystal Sound Healing

Cosmic Heart Alchemy, formerly known as Berlin's First Alchemy Crystal Sound Healing Temple, is the brainchild of Ewelina Bubanja. Ewelina is an accredited Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Bowl Master and Germany's leading practitioner of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy. Her expertise, wisdom, and intuition infuse every sound session, ceremony, and workshop she conducts.

A Journey of Transformation

Cosmic Heart Alchemy is not just a place for healing; it is a space for transformation. Ewelina's vision is to facilitate healing and awakening for everyone, meeting individuals exactly where they are on their journey of life. Through her sound ceremonies, workshops, and retreats, she aims to empower individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and embrace their true potential.

Visit Cosmic Heart Alchemy

If you find yourself in Berlin and yearning for a unique and transformative experience, a visit to Cosmic Heart Alchemy is a must. Located at Wolliner Strasse 19, this sanctuary of healing offers a serene and welcoming atmosphere. To ensure a personalized experience, appointments are required, allowing you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner harmony.

When to Visit

Cosmic Heart Alchemy welcomes visitors throughout the year. Whether you're seeking solace during the winter months or rejuvenation in the summer, the healing energy of this space remains constant. It is advisable to book your session in advance to secure your preferred date and time.


Cosmic Heart Alchemy in Berlin is a haven for those seeking inner harmony and balance. Through Chakra Healing Sessions and Crystal Sound Baths, this sanctuary offers a transformative experience that can leave you feeling rejuvenated and aligned. Whether you're a local or a traveler passing through, a visit to Cosmic Heart Alchemy is an opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing in the heart of Berlin.

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