Sala Ciclica

C/ Rec Comtal, 7, 08003 Barcelona, Spain

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Discover the Cinematic World at Sala Ciclica in Barcelona

Barcelona is a city known for its vibrant culture, stunning architecture, and rich history. But did you know that it is also home to a hidden gem for film enthusiasts? Sala Ciclica, located in the heart of Barcelona, is a unique space dedicated to the observation and dissemination of cinematographic creations and avant-garde audiovisual formats.

A Cinematic Haven

Since its establishment in 2005, Sala Ciclica has become a reference point for film lovers seeking a different cinematic experience. This cultural space has grown over the years, both in physical size and in the range of projects it offers. It aims to encourage participation and provide access to audiovisual and graphic material for the general public, professionals, and public institutions alike.

The Video Library

One of the highlights of Sala Ciclica is its impressive video library. Spanning across a spacious 180 square meters, this library houses over 10,000 films in DVD and Blu-Ray format. The collection is carefully curated, specializing in author cinema, independent films, experimental formats, and video art. Whether you're a fan of classic movies or avant-garde creations, you'll find a diverse selection here. The library also boasts a large international and import section, as well as monographs of renowned international filmmakers and creators.

Dive into the Cinematic World

Visiting Sala Ciclica is like stepping into a world of cinematic wonders. As you browse through the extensive collection, you'll have the opportunity to discover hidden gems and explore different genres and styles. Whether you're a film buff or simply looking for something new and exciting to watch, the video library at Sala Ciclica is a treasure trove waiting to be explored.

Nearby Attractions

After immersing yourself in the world of cinema at Sala Ciclica, take some time to explore the surrounding area. Located in the center of Barcelona, you'll find yourself within walking distance of many other attractions. From the iconic Sagrada Familia to the bustling streets of Las Ramblas, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this vibrant city.

When to Visit

Sala Ciclica is open throughout the year, offering film enthusiasts a haven to indulge in their passion. Whether you're visiting Barcelona during the summer or the winter, you can always count on Sala Ciclica to provide a unique cinematic experience.


If you're a film lover looking for a different kind of cultural experience in Barcelona, Sala Ciclica is a must-visit destination. With its extensive video library and dedication to promoting avant-garde audiovisual formats, this hidden gem offers a unique glimpse into the world of cinema. So, the next time you find yourself in Barcelona, make sure to carve out some time to explore Sala Ciclica and discover the magic of film.

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