Third Man Museum - Dritte Mann Museum - 3mpc

Pressgasse 25, 1040 Vienna, Austria

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Discover the Hidden Gem of Vienna: Third Man Museum - Dritte Mann Museum - 3mpc

Vienna, the capital of Austria, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. But hidden among its many attractions is a true gem for film enthusiasts and history buffs alike - the Third Man Museum, also known as Dritte Mann Museum or 3mpc. This private museum, without sponsors or subsidies, is a testament to the passion and dedication of its founders.

Uncover the Post-War History of Vienna

The Third Man Museum is a must-visit destination for those interested in the post-war history of Vienna. The museum focuses on the iconic film "The Third Man," directed by Carol Reed and starring Orson Welles. Released in 1949, the film is set in post-war Vienna and tells the story of an American writer who becomes entangled in a web of intrigue and deception.

Immerse Yourself in Film History

As you step into the Third Man Museum, you'll be transported back in time to the era of film noir. The museum houses an impressive collection of artifacts, photographs, and memorabilia related to the film. From original scripts and costumes to props and posters, every corner of the museum is filled with fascinating pieces of cinematic history.

Fun Facts and Fascinating Exhibits

Did you know that "The Third Man" is considered one of the greatest British films of all time? Or that the iconic zither music composed by Anton Karas became an instant hit and even topped the charts? These fun facts and more await you at the Third Man Museum.

One of the highlights of the museum is the original Third Man sewer scene set, where you can step into the shoes of the film's characters and experience the suspense firsthand. The museum also features a collection of vintage film cameras, providing a glimpse into the filmmaking process of the time.

Explore the Surrounding Area

Located in the heart of Vienna's historic center, the Third Man Museum is surrounded by other attractions that are worth exploring. Take a stroll through the picturesque streets of the city and visit nearby landmarks such as St. Stephen's Cathedral and the Hofburg Palace. You can also indulge in Viennese cuisine at one of the many traditional cafes and restaurants in the area.

When to Visit

The Third Man Museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday, allowing visitors ample opportunity to explore its treasures. Whether you're a film enthusiast, a history buff, or simply curious about Vienna's post-war era, this museum offers a unique and immersive experience.


If you're looking for a hidden gem in Vienna, the Third Man Museum is a must-visit destination. Immerse yourself in the post-war history of the city, uncover fascinating film facts, and explore the surrounding area for a truly memorable experience. Don't miss the chance to step into the world of "The Third Man" and discover the passion and dedication behind this remarkable private museum.

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