Quinta Normal Park, Santiago

Quinta Normal, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile

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Discover the Charm of Quinta Normal Park in Santiago, Chile

Nestled in the heart of Santiago, Chile, Quinta Normal Park is a hidden gem that offers a delightful escape from the bustling city streets. This urban park, located in the Quinta Normal district, is a favorite attraction for both locals and tourists alike. With its rich history, diverse attractions, and picturesque landscapes, Quinta Normal Park is a must-visit destination for anyone exploring Santiago.

A Historical Oasis

Quinta Normal Park has a fascinating history that dates back to its founding in 1841. Originally established as a greenhouse for cultivating foreign plant species, the park has evolved into a sprawling 88-acre oasis. Its historical significance is further highlighted by the fact that it was the site of the Chilean International Exhibition in 1875.

Museums Galore

One of the main draws of Quinta Normal Park is its impressive collection of museums. The Chilean National Museum of Natural History takes center stage, offering visitors a chance to explore departments dedicated to anthropology, zoology, botany, paleontology, and entomology. From ancient artifacts to the famous mummy Niño del Cerro el Plomo, this museum provides a captivating journey through Chile's natural history.

Nearby, the Museum of Memory and Human Rights stands as a poignant reminder of Chile's recent past. Detailing the history of the military rule under Augusto Pinochet, this museum educates visitors about a crucial part of Chilean history. Entry is free, making it accessible to all.

Unusual Delights

Quinta Normal Park goes beyond the typical expectations of a city park. It is renowned for its focus on entertainment for children, making it a perfect destination for families. The park features a new water feature where children can play and paddle boats, ensuring hours of fun and laughter. Additionally, the park offers standing grills for visitors to enjoy a delightful barbecue experience.

For those with a passion for engineering and transportation, the Museo Ferroviario de Chile, or Locomotive Museum of Chile, is a must-visit. With its collection of fifteen historical trains and educational exhibits, this museum provides a unique glimpse into Chile's transportation history.

When to Visit

Quinta Normal Park is a year-round destination, but the best time to visit is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild and pleasant. The park's vibrant flora and fauna are in full bloom during these seasons, creating a picturesque backdrop for your visit.

Getting There

Quinta Normal Park is easily accessible by public transportation. The park is located near the Quinta Normal metro station, and several buses pass by frequently. If you prefer to explore on foot, it is a short walk north from the Estacion Central metro station.


Quinta Normal Park is a true hidden gem in Santiago, Chile. With its rich history, diverse museums, and family-friendly attractions, it offers a unique and captivating experience for visitors of all ages. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, history buff, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Quinta Normal Park is a must-visit destination that will leave you with lasting memories of your time in Santiago.

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