Campanile e Matronei della Cattedrale di Altamura - BARI

Piazza Duomo, 70022 Altamura

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Discover the Hidden Gems of Altamura: Campanile e Matronei della Cattedrale di Altamura - BARI

Altamura, a charming town in the region of Puglia, Italy, is known for its rich history and architectural wonders. One such gem is the Campanile e Matronei della Cattedrale di Altamura - BARI, a magnificent structure that has undergone painstaking restoration work to preserve its historical and artistic heritage. Let's delve into the captivating world of this hidden treasure.

A Journey Through Time

Embark on a guided tour that takes you on a chronological journey through Altamura's past. Starting at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Altamura, your knowledgeable guide will lead you through the various halls of the museum, where you'll discover the fascinating history and prehistory of Altamura. Marvel at the progress made by our ancient relative, the Neanderthal, as you observe artifacts and tools that have withstood the test of time.

A Virtual Voyage

One of the highlights of the tour is a virtual visit to the cave where the Neanderthal man was discovered. Through multimedia materials and the captivating storytelling of your guide, you'll be transported back in time, experiencing the thrill of exploring the cave where this ancient ancestor once roamed. Don't miss the opportunity to capture a selfie with a Neanderthal!

Exploring the Historic Center

Leaving the museum behind, you'll find yourself wandering through the narrow streets of Altamura's historic center. Admire the unique architectural style of the claustri, traditional housing units arranged in a courtyard-like fashion. As you stroll, you'll be captivated by the grandeur of the Cattedrale di Altamura, a majestic cathedral intricately linked to the name of Frederick II of Swabia.

The Magnificence of the Campanile

As the tour reaches its climax, you'll have the privilege of visiting the Campanile, a stunning structure often overlooked by tourists. This reserved space offers a special vantage point, allowing you to take in breathtaking panoramic views of the entire city. Don't miss this opportunity to capture the beauty of Altamura from a unique perspective.

When to Visit

Altamura is a year-round destination, but the best time to visit is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild and pleasant. The guided tours of the Campanile e Matronei della Cattedrale di Altamura - BARI are available throughout the year, providing visitors with an immersive experience into the town's rich history.


Altamura's Campanile e Matronei della Cattedrale di Altamura - BARI is a hidden gem that deserves to be discovered. Immerse yourself in the town's fascinating history, from the Neanderthal era to the medieval construction of the cathedral and its bell tower. Explore the museum, wander through the historic center, and marvel at the panoramic views from the Campanile. Altamura awaits, ready to captivate you with its timeless charm.

Want to plan a trip here? Talk to AI travel assistant Maya.

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