Parco Villa Chigi (Roma)

via di Villa Chigi 24, via Valnerina, via Niccolò Piccinni, 00199 Rome, Italy

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Discover the Hidden Gem of Rome: Parco Villa Chigi

Rome, the Eternal City, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and iconic landmarks. But amidst the hustle and bustle of this vibrant city lies a hidden gem that often goes unnoticed by tourists - Parco Villa Chigi. Located in the Salario neighborhood, this 18th-century villa and its surrounding park offer a tranquil escape from the crowds and a glimpse into the city's past.

A Historical Retreat

Commissioned by Cardinal Flavio Chigi in the second half of the 18th century, Villa Chigi is a remarkable example of a "casino di villeggiatura" or a country retreat. The villa underwent extensive renovations, transforming a rustic farmhouse into a grand residence. The interior of the villa was adorned with exquisite frescoes by renowned artists such as Francesco Nubale and Giacomo Rubini, while the chapel dedicated to the Virgin was a masterpiece by Antonio Bicchierai.

Architectural Marvels

As you step into Parco Villa Chigi, you'll be greeted by the impressive facade of the villa, adorned with intricate cornices. The villa's interior is a testament to the craftsmanship of Nicola and Giovanni Carletti Ermans, who created stunning wood carvings and furniture. From gilded chairs and benches to silk-covered walls, every detail exudes elegance and opulence.

Explore the Enchanting Gardens

The highlight of Parco Villa Chigi is undoubtedly its meticulously designed gardens. Divided into two sections, the western part features an Italian garden with flower beds, oak groves, and sculptural furniture. Stroll through this enchanting space, and you'll feel like you've stepped into a fairytale.

On the eastern side, a long central avenue beckons you to take a leisurely promenade. The main avenue is lined with majestic oak trees and bordered by laurel and myrtle hedges. Halfway along the path, you'll discover a circular open space adorned with a central fountain and verdant hedges, creating a serene oasis within the park.

Preserving the Past

Sadly, Villa Chigi and its original furnishings suffered neglect and destruction throughout the 19th century. However, in the late 1970s, the City of Rome initiated expropriation actions to preserve at least the park area. Today, the villa is privately owned but has been entrusted on loan to the "Mondo X" community for drug rehabilitation.

When to Visit

Thanks to the restoration efforts by the City Council in 2003, Parco Villa Chigi has been revived to its former glory. The park now showcases the original 18th-century design, allowing visitors to experience the beauty and tranquility that once graced this historical retreat.

If you're planning a trip to Rome, make sure to include Parco Villa Chigi in your itinerary. Whether you're a history enthusiast, an architecture lover, or simply seeking a peaceful escape, this hidden gem will captivate your senses and offer a unique perspective on the city's rich heritage.

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