KuK Monschau

Austraße 9, 52156 Monschau

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The KuK - Arts and Cultural Center of the Citiesregion Aachen Synthesis between art and economics (To the imprint)

Artistic creativity and commercial know-how under one roof

Short and crisp it is called KuK: the art and cultural center Monschau. In the approximately 150-year-old building, close to the old town, which used to be the financial office, everything revolves around fine arts.

Founding center ... Art does not have to be brotless. Since 2002, the first cultural start-up center in North-Rhine Westphalia has been supporting artists who want to make their vocation a profession. The KuK advises on marketing issues, provides information on topics such as tax and contract law for artists and helps with project planning. Workshops are offered, contacts are arranged and exhibitions are organized.

... studio house ... However, the KuK is not just concerned with theory and planning. Here is also produced and presented. The studios, seminar rooms and exhibition rooms housed in the building make the KuK a working and meeting place that invites creative exchange. And this is what we value: the KuK is supposed to be a place of communication, not an ivory tower for art teachers.

... and museum The two-month changing exhibitions of contemporary art in the rooms of the ground floor are widely respected and popular. In expressive, unusual exhibition concepts, established artists are presented to a broader audience. In particular, the KuK offers young, yet unknown artists a first opportunity to present themselves to the public. The first floor is reserved for longer lasting exhibitions. They are characterized by a clear thematic relationship with the region.

In the meantime, the KuK has developed into an indispensable impetus for the region with its diverse range of services. Tuesday is reserved for teenagers. Then, after a guided tour, school classes can discuss what has been seen in the seminar room.

The KuK-Center is located in the Old Town of Monschau right on the Rur. It is housed in a lavishly renovated, 150-year-old building that originally housed the city's financial office.


KuK Arts and Cultural Center of the CitiesRegion Aachen e.V.

Outlet 9 D-52156 Monschau Telephone / Fax: 0 24 72 - 80 31 94 E-Mail: info@kuk-monschau.de Internet: www.kuk-monschau.de

Represented by: Dr. Nina Mika-Helfmeier

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