Villa Erckens - Museum der Niederrheinischen Seele

Am Stadtpark, 41515 Grevenbroich

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Identity as a treasure trove: The permanent exhibition at Villa Erckens opens up new approaches to the regional prospects of the Lower Rhine. In colorful theme rooms and interactive offers, she explores mentalities and life worlds, gets to the bottom of people and things, shows her relationship to language, landscape, energy, food and drink, religions, festivals and work. Searching the land of the Lower Rhine with the soul - in the beautiful Bürgervilla in the middle of the city park.

Opening hours: Wed, Sun, Sat, Sun 11 am to 5 pm, Fri 9 am to 1 pm Tel. 02181 / 608-656 Admission: 3 euros - Guided tours: 25 euros


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Travel stories around Villa Erckens - Museum der Niederrheinischen Seele

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